Title: Stupid Ancients Rating: PG Challenge #45: "An annoyance" ("Why do you have to be so irritating?" optional) Warnings/Spoliers: None. Summary: McKay can't figure out how to turn something off, and he's getting made fun of for it.
Title: Pulling Pigtails Rating: PG-13 Challenge #45: "An annoyance" ("Why do you have to be so irritating?" optional) Warnings/Spoilers: Set during "Avalon part 1." Summary: Vala is easily bored. Daniel tries not to care.
I have a day full of weddings and crap to do, therefore I have to do this kind of early today.
Challenge #44 is now closed. Stargate Weekly Challenges, Challenge #45 100 to 1000 words about... AN ANNOYANCE Your additional, optional prompt is: "Why do you have to be so irritating?"